Wednesday 15 May 2024

Dreadnought Talon (I)

For today I bring the first Dreadnoughts I have painted for Epic (Legionis Imperialis), two with twin-linked lascannon and two with assault cannons.

They were super fast to paint, probably 1 hour in total. Just airbrush green, black on the metal parts, boltgun metal, thinned agrax overall and done.

Now, onto the tanks!

Monday 13 May 2024

JoyToy Sons of Horus Legionary with Bolter

This is not really a new miniature that I have painted but rather a new toy I bought.
Since the JoyToy figures were released I always wanted to own one so when the Sons of Horus line was announced I pre-ordered one Legionary "to test". I have to say I like them a lot (and my kids as well!) so I will probably get a couple more.
Since then, both Abaddon and Horus have been released so that makes me think....

Don't ever talk to my or my sons

Thursday 9 May 2024


A few years ago I visited Warhammer World and I wanted to pick up something to remind me of the visit every time I would play it, so I chose Maloghurst. I found it an intriguing character in the books and despite the fact I almost never play I Standard Bearer I thought that I could anyway use it as a Praetor or any other type of Hero.

It has sit on the shelf for a couple of years but the other day I finally decided to paint it. I think I overdid it a little bit with the "grimdark" style, but sometimes that's the nature of letting it flow. Overall it fits in nicely with the rest of the Army so no real harm done.

Painted in 2024

Monday 6 May 2024

Frosthaven (II)

As our party retired the Deathwalker the other day, here is its replacement: The Crashing Tide!

I again went for a 30min quick paint job focusing on just giving it a bit of colour. Not much to say about it, just another go down!

Monday 29 April 2024

Cozy bust

On the 20th of January a bunch of people from the International Tabletop Gaming Club got together for a painting workshop. The idea was to do something completely outside of our comfort zones and push the boundaries, and I have to say that the organizer really managed to do so when he picked the Cozy Bust. I looked at that and thought how the hell am I going to paint it! Where is the chainsaw and the armour?

It was indeed a challenge with all the hair and skin that should be smooth and warm, honestly, in more than 25 years painting, I think I have never painted anything like it. All in all it was a great experience, I managed to cross out something from my to-do list (paint a big scale bust) and I learnt a bunch of things, so I am looking forward for another chance! We spent something like 4 or 5 hours on it, including explanations, and after that I spent like 2-3 hours at home to finish the hair and retouch the skin on the face. I think it would need at least double that time to fix the transitions on the pullover and to smooth out the skin...

You can see below some pictures from the workshop itself including some of the work in progress steps. Pay attention to some of the models, there is one that looks like Ororo and I think it is one of the best if not the best in the whole workshop! You probably will notice that my bust was not done back then, the hair was far from being complete. I have only recently finished it, that is why it took me so long to post here.

After that, I have included a ton of photos of my own bust, now with the hair done. I have tried multiple options for the light, and some simple effects on the pictures, but in the end I gave up as I did not know how to do it properly so I am just showing the raw picture.

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Frosthaven (I)

A few years ago I backed up the kickstarter of Frosthaven. I had played quite a bit of the original Gloomhaven so when I saw the announcement I knew I wanted to jump right in.

With about 16 missions played so far I have to say that I love the game and I have lots of fun whenever I get to play it. Whether it lives up to the hype of $12M Kickstarter or not, it is up to you to decide, but I can definitively recommend it.

We have been playing with the unpainted miniatures for quite some time until the other day I decided would just speed paint the ones we use or have used, which is just three for now: Deathwalker, Geminate and Banner Spear. When I say speed paint I really mean it: I spent 30 minutes on each figure and I used a single half bent size 4 brush todo all of that, focusing on getting just the shapes and colours right, without any details. They look nice on the table and honestly nothing more is required. I will try to find the time to paint the rest as we use them.

All painted in 2024.

Monday 15 January 2024

Terrain for Kings of War project

I have had on my to-do list for a few years already painting my terrain for 40K and Fantasy. I have always prioritized painting the figures rather than the terrain, and I never found the energy for it. Now that I have an airbrush I might do it -eventually.
But for small scale (10mm) I always had the impression painting terrain should be a breeze, nice and easy. And I was right! To motivate myself I decided not only to join a small-scale tournament but also to offer a fully painted table to the organization, so in fact I was forced to paint my terrain!

I base coated all in black. The woods and flat hills had then a layer of brown with the airbrush, after that a few layers of drybrush, apply grass and done! For the houses, I painted all base colours, applied washes, varnish, pigments and varnish again and it was done. I wanted to give the houses a look similar to old stone houses in England or north of France, very humid and with lots of moss, but I think I overdid it! I tried to tune it down a bit but I was not really very successful, in the end I fumbled that and decided to leave it "as is".
The job is not fancy and will not pass any close-up test, but it looks ok on the table. 

Painted in 2024

Wednesday 3 January 2024

Infantry Detachment (II)

I am really glad to start the new year with so many miniatures painted in one go!

With this update I have enough Infantry hopefully for battles up to 1,500 or. 2,000 points. Main change compared to last time is that I have used an airbrush for the green basecoat and honestly after that painting these little guys felt like a breeze. It was perhaps 2 hours of work in total. I can't wait to do the same for the tanks and Dreadnoughts so I can have enough time later on for the Titans and Knights! Maybe if I airbrush metal on the Knights and Titans it will be faster... need to think about it.

Of this second box I have painted only one Legion Command because I doubt I will use more than three and with that extra base I have completed a Tactical Squad that was missing one base from the first box. I have to say, GW did a very weird thing with this box. I am sure the box was designed way before the army list and therefore you have a box that is basically unusable on its own as you need two at least :D

In any case, here you can see the first minis of 2024 and a group picture of what I have painted so far for Legions Imperialis!