Monday 28 December 2020

Proyectos para 2021

Revisión anual

Bueno, pues por fin termina el 2020. Un año bastante raro y, porqué no decirlo, bastante malo en términos generales.
La pandemia de covid-19 afectó a todos los niveles, incluyendo el hobby friki por supuesto. En mi caso particular, al contrario que la mayoría de la gente que se vió atrapada en casa, dispuse de mucho menos tiempo del habitual para pintar asi que no pude pegarle un empujón extra a lo acumulado. Lo que hice fue seguir con mis planes originales de pintado, que ya de por si eran bastante ambiciosos.

Una vez hecho este pequeño resumen, veamos si he alcanzado los objetivos marcados.

Para 2020 los objetivos eran:
  1. Terminar Ejército 40K de Genestealer Cult [aquí]
  2. Pintar equipo Blood Bowl no muerto [aquí]
  3. Pintar Warcry: Iron Golems y bestias caóticas [aquí]
  4. Pintar HeroQuest clásico [aquí]
Por lo tanto, de nuevo, todos los objetivos han sido cumplidos. Desde 2018 cumpliendo objetivos, si este blog fuera un partido político seríamos la excepción.
Es más, no sólo se han cumplido los objetivos, sino que he conseguido pintar esto como extras:

Objetivos 2021

Por lo tanto, visto lo visto, vamos a marcar los objetivos para el año que entra.
Gracias al buen impulso de estos años, en estos momentos me encuentro muy muy cerca de conseguir el objetivo que me marqué allá por el 2018 de reducir a cero* (<10) miniaturas la montaña gris.
Como no puede ser de otra forma, el objetivo de este año será terminar con la montaña (ver mas abajo la lista completa).
Eso supone un total de 70 miniaturas. Parece un objetivo fácil, aunque hay que tener en cuenta que no todas estas miniaturas son de pintar "a bulto" como otros años sino que hay algunas que llevarán mucho tiempo (como el Primarca o el Balrog). Si no hubiera sido porque me agencié el Blood Bowl Second Season antes de fin de año tendría tan sólo 34 miniaturas por pintar...

Montaña de pintado

Veamos ahora la evolución de lo pintado respecto a lo acumulado.
Ya que he hecho un esfuerzo extra por no acumular "nada", este año sólo he comprado tres cosas.
  1. La caja de The Walking Dead, que son 36 miniaturas. Al haberla pintado el mismo año de compra, no ha pasado a engrosar la montaña de acumulado.
  2. Unos Nighthaunt de Mortal Realms que a ese precio no había quien se resistiera, son 18, pero también los he pintado este mismo año.
  3. Blood Bowl Second Season, que son 30 miniaturas y no me ha dado tiempo a pintar.
Por lo tanto, gracias a las 185 miniaturas pintadas supero en 10 el máximo histórico de 2019. Y me da muchísima pena no haber pintado 15 mas y llegar a la increíble marca de 200, porque sinceramente, dudo que me vuelva a acercar a esta cifra. No tengo intención de acumular tanto de nuevo. Aunque los caminos del frikismo son inescrutables.

Atentos a la bajada espectacular de la montaña desde 2018 cuando decidí reducir la montaña a cero.

Lista pendiente de pintura

La lista completa de lo acumulado a día de hoy, 70 miniaturas, consta de lo siguiente.

Colección Héroes y Villanos Señor de los Anillos (2)
  • Balrog
  • Nazgul en bestia alada
DBA - Early Imperial Roman (15 bases)

Blood Bowl (36)
  • Second Season (30)
  • No-muertos (6)
Colección Héroes y Villanos de 40K (2)
  • Eldrad Ulthran
  • Avatar
Primarcas 30K (1)
  • Perturabo
Primaris 40K para Kill Team (8)

Miniaturas Sueltas (3)
  • Goku
  • Eddie de Diego Serrate
  • Sumothay en 54mm
Colección Héroes y Villanos de Fantasy (3)
  • Exalted Valten
  • Gotrek & Felix

Wednesday 23 December 2020

My best figure of 2020

Now that it is almost the end of the year, I like to go back and check what have I painted so far.

I painted and incredible amount of figures this year. Most of them very quick and without attention to detail, just to get them out of the unpainted pile, which is a shame. That's something I plan to change for 2021 as I will have much less to-do. More on that on another post.

In this one I'd like to focus and pick my favourite mini of the whole year.
I cannot really pick any Genestealer Cult, Nighthaunt or Warcry since those were done in a blast.
That leaves me only with Blood Bowl, HeroQuest or The Walking Dead.

Out of those three, even though I like the HeroQuest figures a lot because of the nostalgic factor, I will pick Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead series as my favourite mini for the year. I did spent a bit more of time painting that game, in particular, on the survivors. I loved painting them and I am really looking forward to paint more of TWD figures.
I showed him in this post but here is the picture again.

I hope you like him as well. If you have been following my work throughout the year, please let me know in the comments!
Let's see what will be the pick of 2021!

Monday 21 December 2020

Glaivewraith Stalkers

Here are four Glaivewraith Stalkers painted using my Nighthaunt method.
They come from Mortal Realms issue #4

I don't have any more Nighthaunt figures and with these 18 I should have roughly enough to make a Warcry band although I lack I leader.... I took a quick look at the issues and in order to have all the options that I can use in a Warcry band I would need to get:
  • #10: Tomb Banshee
  • #19: Knight of the Shrouds on Ethereal Steed, Guardians of Souls, Spirit Torment
  • #24: Lord Executioner, Grimghast Reapers, Glaivewraith Stalkers
  • #28: Spirit Hosts
  • #39: Cairn Wraith
  • #44: Liekoron the Executioner
And perhaps the following just because they look cool although I can't use them in Warcry:
  • #6: Thorns of the Briar Queen
  • #14: Dreadblade Harrows
  • #38: Crawlocke the Jailor
  • #48: Reikenor the Grimhailer
(so basically, almost every Nighthaunt issue published)

But that would put the investment around the 100€ mark and it would no longer be "a few of those nice cheap ghosts minis to experiment with" and suddenly would become "my Age of Sigmar Nighthaunt Army" which I am not prepared to start, so I am going to pass on this. Maybe as a future project sometime...

For now, I leave you with the pictures of the Stalkers:

And here is a group picture:

Painted in 2020

Wednesday 16 December 2020


Here are four painted Banshees using the same technique described for the Chainrasps but omitting the Blue part since they are fully ethereal.

I had a blast painting the bases and all the ghostly stuff going through them.

Got them from Mortal Realms #2

Painted in 2020

Monday 14 December 2020


I managed to get my hands on a few numbers of the Mortal Realms collection.

Here are ten Chainrasps that come from issue #1. At a cost of 1,99€ not buying them was like losing money :)

I experimented with them a little bit and asked around with a few test colour schemes until I got them exactly like I wanted. It turns out that they are extremely fast to paint. And I really mean it, each one takes roughly 15 minutes, excluding drying time.

To be honest of course the end result is quite rough, but can be easily improved by cleaning up the messy drybrush and doing proper highlights. That would turn the figures from "horribly painted" to "acceptable tabletop".

This experiment has helped me check that I could get an Army painted in no time with this quality. Which for a Nighthaunt Army due to the look n' feel it has I guess it's ok. But let's not go there yet.

The step by step is:

  1. White base coat
  2. Paint base and details using grey for stone + dark tone wash. Bone and Brown for bones. Green + dark tone wash + yellow highlight for bushes
  3. Gold from Game Color on weapons
  4. Paint white over any mistakes done on previous steps
  5. Paint Nihilak Oxide (from Citadel) over all white and gold areas
  6. Paint Night Blue from Game Color on the cloth
  7. Highlight with light grey or grey + white the cloth and the green areas either with dry brush or fine edge highlight
Without further ado here are the photos.

Painted in 2020

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Acolyte Hybrids (V)

And here is the last post -for now- for the Genestealer Cults for the whole year. With these three I complete the unit and the last cultist I had in my unpainted pile.

After having called the Army complete I still managed to sneak by another 13 miniatures... and I still miss a couple of HQ/Elites options that I would like to have, so you never know when they will come...

Painted in 2020

Monday 7 December 2020

Acolyte Hybrids (IV)

 Here is another batch of 4 acolytes for the 10-man strong unit I am painting right now.

Painting in 2020

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Acolyte Hybrids (III)

The last post with Acolyte Hybrids shared was back in March.

Since I bought some second-hand Characters just for completeness sake, I decided to go ahead and paint the few acolytes that were lying around in my bits box as leftovers. They are a total of 10 and here is the first batch of 3.

Painted in 2020