Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Blood Bowl: Undead

And here it is, a new shiny and putrid Blood Bowl team, The Lybaras Buccaneers!

This marks the third milestone of the year! And all within the first half of it, so I am on a very good track to make all the milestones :)

This is my fifth team, the others are:
  1. Dwarfs: Petisos Carambanales
  2. Humans: Satanases del Infierno
  3. Ogres: Gordonchos de Zara
  4. Chaos: Agol Bashers
Since I decided to "name" every team I feel like the end result is much better, as they get a logo, a suitable matching livery and unique attitude. If you follow the links above, you will be able to see each one and why they were named like that.

The reason why I have decided to name this team as Lybaras, can be seen in the following map:

Lybaras is a city on the East Coast of the Realm of the Dead. It felt like the right location for a fleet of Buccaneers, similar to other well-known but in the wrong Coast :) Therefore, I decided to take it as the home site of my team.

You can read more about Lybaras in this extract from the Khemri Army book:

I have embraced the History of Lybaras to adapt it to my team. While of course it cannot be led by the Queen Khalida herself, the team are devote followers of Asaph, goddess of vengeance and magic. They hate Nagash's Vampires and they are quite independent from Khemri's rule.
The colors of the team are black, red and white. Helmets are black and red.

Painting recipes

As for the painting, I base coated all figures in white and applied different washes and thinned down colours with medium to get interesting tones.
All bones were painted with Sepia Wash, then highlighted with Bone and some final lights with pure white.
The bandages followed a similar approach but I did a mix of Bone and Siena for the highlighting.
Zombies were painted in pale green, pale blue and putrid flesh. I used thinned versions of these colours to get the base layer and used the pure color to apply the highlights.
The Ghouls got a thinned down violet wash to get some depth and let it flow into the recesses, then highlighted with pink.
Black parts like trousers and boots were painted with dark german grey and highlighted with lighter grey.
Red parts were painted Blood Red directly on top of the white base, and highlighted with a mix of orange and red. The holes in the armour were given a dark wash to give them depth. The red color I use is quite glossy and provides an interesting final effect that looks like it was lacquered.
Metal parts like spikes and such were painted with space wolves grey, washed with dark wash and highlighted with pure white to give some contrast. It is not NMM but uses some of the concepts for the stark highlights.
Bases were painted using Agrax Technical paints with some tuffs and black borders.

After painting them, as I have done with hundreds of miniatures, I sprayed anti-matt varnish from Army Painter and.... disaster! A thin layer of white particles covered a few of the models (see picture) and I needed to carefully repaint some areas. In the end, I was so fed up with it that I left a few areas, mainly the boots, without repairing them... I might come back to that at some point, but for now, I leave them as it is.
The spray that I used was almost empty so I have just thrown it away and bought a new one!

The team is still lacking two additional Ghouls, as the box does not contain them. So, when they release a booster upgrade I will need to get it and paint them following the guidelines written above.

Painted in 2020

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