It seems this is the year in which I am crossing off my list many projects!
I made big efforts at the beginning of the year to improve my painting speed and I can really see it is paying back as I am able now to paint fast and with acceptable quality. Of course that means that I did some horrible things along the way, but hey, at least they are painted.
In any case I am already over 100 miniatures painted this year and still two months left to go!
This post is wrapping up the extended Skaven project.
Originally, I closed this project back in 2017. But, after I decided to extend the army to match a 4,500 point army for The Ninth Age, I needed to paint and base a few additional figures.
Well, here is the full painted Army in all its stinking glory!
I am quite happy at the speed and quality I managed to maintain while painting the last stretch. It was roughly a little bit over a month to paint almost 40 miniatures including several big ones.
Here is the mega list of the whole Army:
- 1 Tyrant on Monstrous Rat
- 1 Battle Standard Bearer
- 1 Skrolk Lord of Plague
- 1 Ikit Claw Chief Engineer
- 1 Snikch Assasin Deathmaster
- 1 Gnawdoom Greyseer
- 1 Thanquol Greyseer
- 1 Queek Head-taker Chieftain
- 1 Vermindaemon
- 1 Hero Engineer
- 1 Assasin
- 60 Clanrats with Command Group
- 1 Extra Clanrat Standard Bearer
- 22 Slaves with Standard Bearer
- 29 Stormvermin with Command Group
- 1 Stormvermin General
- 18 Plague Monks with Command Group
- 1 Extra Plague Monk Standard Bearer
- 4 Giant rat handlers
- 36 Giant rats
- 15 Gutter Runners
- 8 Poison Wind Gobladiers
- 10 Plague Censer Bearers
- 5 Rat Ogres
- 1 Screaming Bell
- 3 Warpfire Thrower Teams
- 4 Warplock Jezzails
- 2 Doomwheel
- 1 Warp-Lightning Cannon