Thursday, 30 January 2025

New project for The Old World

I have a new and exciting project that I want to share here as first post of the year!

A bit of context

At my local Club (ITGC Berlin) we are quite hyped with The Old World.

We have been playing quite intensively since November more or less. I personally have played roughly 1-2 times a week for most of the last 2 months, excluding the xmas season. We also attended a Tournament at the beginning of the year.

I have played all of these games with my trusty skavens. But I am starting to be tired of them because of mostly two reasons, (1) they are super difficult to transport, because they are not magnetized and use "old" bases with adapters, which means I spend at least 20 minutes each game setting it up and (2) they are a legacy army and will not have further development.

Because of that, after the tournament, I decided to build a new Army as 2025 project, despite having vowed before to never ever collect another 28mm Army 😅😆 and also regardless of the fact that this will most likely make me fail the 2025 goals, because instead of painting Kill Team I will be painting The Old World... Anyway, that's life 😬

After much thought on the topic I had a couple of goals:

  1. it should not be a legacy faction
  2. it should not be something that I have played before*
  3. it should not focus on combat but on shooting/magic as main source of damage (as opposed to pretty much all other armies I have collected so far)
  4. the miniatures should look cool and offer a nice hobby project!
After going over the available factions I quickly realized that despite playing Warhammer Fantasy for 20+ years and lots of editions, I have never played Elves! So it was set, I would play Elves, now the question was: Dark, High or Wood? Since my brother has been playing Dark Elves since forever that one was out. I am not a big fan of High Elves so the only logical choice was Wood Elves which incidentally was also the very first Blood Bowl team I bought.
It was set: I would collect a Wood Elves Army!

* the ones I have played before, excluding bands and skirmish, are Skaven, Daemons of Chaos, Chaos, Orcs & Goblins and Dwarfs. I always wanted to play Bretonnia and Undead and those would have been my natural first choices, but I already have an Army of each for Kings of War, which were incidentally built as well in Stillmania fashion...

Club Crazyness

Now, let's look at how does this combines with the hype at my local club!
Since we are quite excited about the game and building up new armies, a bunch of us had been talking about doing something nice as a group about it. In the end, one of the club members decided to start a Stillmania group project!

For those of you that are not familiar with Stillmania, you can see above a summary of it, and if you Google or read old White Dwarfs you will get tons of information about it.
In short, it is a very peculiar way of building and collecting armies. We will of course not follow all the rules stated above (in particular the gloss varnish), but we will follow the spirit of it - mostly by choosing and focusing on a single list. In my case I will target a 2000 points list with 1-2 extra units so I can swap some stuff in/out as required by some games.
So far we have five participants with Empire, Chaos undivided, Dwarfs, Chaos and Wood Elves. We are loosely following these steps:
  1. First, we are planning and designing the army. In this step we write and discuss the list, and possibly test it on the table until you get something you are happy with.
  2. After that, we look at the hobby aspect of it, selecting models and possibly experimenting with a few paint schemes, basing and so on.
  3. Once you are happy with your army list, list of models and paint scheme, just go and build it!
I am currently at step number 1. I have so far played two test games with two list variants. My thoughts on that will come on another post.

This is a very exciting project that fills me with hobby energy and it reminds me of the times when I started the skaven project back in 2015! I just hope that this time around it does not take me almost 3 years to finish the army!

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