Wednesday 29 July 2020

HeroQuest: Furniture

And here are the last pieces I needed to paint for HeroQuest, the furniture!
They are not as sexy as the heroes but definitively very interesting to paint. I loved applying different textures and techniques to them.
My only concern is that I did not check the browns I was using against the reference with the right light, and I ended up with a darker shade of brown. I used chocolate brown and I should have chosen red brown. Anyway, it is done now and I am not planning on repainting it.
For the tomb I made a similar mistake, I chose bluish grey instead of pale one, but that one was not due to the light, I simply forgot about the reference.

As for the doors, I thought hard about them. I was not sure whether to paint them or leave them with plastic grey, which is what I did in the end. If some day I decide to paint them, I will try to do them like this, which is amazing! But there are so many doors that I am not sure if I have the necessary willpower.

This is the first time -ever- that I paint any furniture or scenery, and I have to say that it was nice for a change.

In any case, they are all done now and I can close up the project, I will do that in the last post as a recap.

Painted in 2020


  1. El potro de tortura y las bibliotecas me encantan. Se notan que son piezas viejunas y algunas no han llevado bien el paso del tiempo en lo que ha modelado se refiere. Aún así hay que reconocer que en su momento fueron rompedoras.

    Les has sacado un gran partido

  2. Me encanta todo el conjunto, lo veia en la Armada cada mini y me tenia enganchado, en el blog todo de seguido mejor aun, bravopor el resultado.

  3. Muchas gracias a los dos por los comentarios. La verdad que me ha sorprendido gratamente, el mobiliario es muy agradecido de pintar, con poco esfuerzo ha quedado bien.
    Y si, algunos han envejecido bastante mal, pero en mesa no quedan mal. Pondré una foto de familia y se verá mejor
