Sunday, 31 December 2023

Proyectos para 2024

Revisión anual

Como ya preveía a finales del año pasado este 2023 ha sido muy flojo respecto a la cantidad de miniaturas pintadas y posts en el blog. He pintado más que en 2022 porque ese año fue una catástrofe y prácticamente lo mismo que en 2021. Por desgracia 2024 parece que será similar en cuanto a la cantidad de tiempo disponible para el hobby. Son unos años complicados y creo que hasta 2025 no volveré a tener más tiempo libre disponible.

Imagen generada por IA tras explicarle la situación en la que me encuentro en la que las miniaturas se acumulan porque estoy muy ocupado con otras cosas. Afortunadamente, no tengo tantas miniaturas como se ve en la imagen.

En cualquier caso y como resumen, estos eran los objetivos del año pasado, que ya eran modestos:

  1. Pintar lo que falta de los Hijos de Horus (Spartan, Falchion y Maloghurst)
  2. Coleccionar y pintar dos ejércitos KoW 10mm (No-muertos y Bretonianos)

Puedo decir que sólo conseguí un objetivo de dos así que en total NO conseguido. Al menos puedo estar contento por haber pintado dos ejércitos completos. Ya llevo dos años en los que no consigo objetivos.

Empecé el año con 6 miniaturas pendientes, he pintado 65, y termino con 61 sin pintar. Uno de los objetivos que tengo siempre es mantener la lista de miniaturas pendientes por debajo de 10 y tampoco he podido conseguirlo puesto que he añadido un ejército entero a la montaña. Al menos he pintado ya uno de los destacamentos de infantería.

Por desgracia este año también he jugado más bien poco, alguna partida a KoW y OPR, alguna a Horus Heresy o de Legions Imperialis y otros juegos como Blood Bowl o DBA ni los he tocado. Una pena.

Objetivos 2024

Como he comentado, el año que viene va a seguir siendo complicado a nivel personal por diferentes razones hasta por lo menos Septiembre, por lo que el tiempo para el hobby será casi nulo. Así que voy a plantearme unos objetivos mas sencillos aún.

  1. Pintar Maloghurst
  2. Pintar todos los marines (infantería y tanques) de Legions Imperialis. Knights y Titanes excluídos.
Si cumplo los proyectos aun me quedarían 17 miniaturas pendientes, pero es que dudo que vaya a tener tiempo para pintarlas. Para mantener la montaña por debajo de 10 tendría que pintar los Knights y Titanes también.

Montaña de pintado

Tras muchos años apenas comprando miniaturas, este año he tirado la casa por la ventana y he comprado bastante, aunque casi todo justo al final de año, en Diciembre. He añadido 70 miniaturas de golpe a la montaña con el ejército de Legions Imperialis. Pero creo que podré pintarlo todo "pronto", en principio no planteo ni ampliar mucho ese ejército ni nuevos proyectos, aunque es posible que en 2024 algo caiga, dependiendo de lo que salga. Del otro gran lanzamiento de GW, The Old World, en principio descarto comprar.

Al menos me puedo dar por satisfecho porque he pintado más de lo que he acumulado.

Lista pendiente de pintado

Colección Héroes y Villanos Señor de los Anillos (2)

  • Balrog
  • Nazgul en bestia alada

30K Hijos de Horus (5)

  • Maloghurst
  • Land Raider Spartan ** lo cuento como una miniatura
  • Legion Falchion Super Heavy Tank ** lo cuento como una miniatura
  • Leviathan Dreadnought
  • Cerastus Knight ** lo cuento como una miniatura
Epic 30K Hijos de Horus (51)
  • Destacamento de Infantería (19)
  • Dreadnoughts (8)
  • Titanes (4)
  • Knights (5)
  • Tanques (15)
Miniaturas Sueltas (3)
  • Sumothay en 54mm
  • Nyarlathotep
  • Azrakh the Annihilator

Posibles futuros proyectos

Además de los objetivos mencionados, mantengo una lista de posibles proyectos, por si saco tiempo:
  • añadir personalidad a las minis de The Walking Dead, compré hojas, botellas y otros pequeños elementos de resina para poner en las peanas pero nunca tuve tiempo de hacerlo.
  • comprar y pintar algún Primarca mas (que era el objetivo original de este blog)
  • pintar cada uno de los (nuevos) Grandes Demonios del Caos
  • revisar mi ejército de Khorne y rebasear una unidad de Desangradores que mi hermano compró para usar con ese ejército pero que nunca fue adaptada. Seguramente cambiar el maletín que uso para almacenar porque la solución actual era temporal (y lleva siendo usada mas de 10 años).
  • revisar mi ejército de Caballeros Grises y adaptarlo a las reglas actuales, seguramente para OPR (requiere rebasear todos los marines, además están en peanas con césped y tierra y les quedaría mejor alguna pintura técnica texturizada)

Thursday, 28 December 2023

My best figure of 2023

Since 2020 I am publishing a post in which I select my favourite mini of the year. See past selections here:

This year as I was fearing I painted just a handful of figures, Dunwich, an Undead 10mm KoW Army and a Bretonnian 10mm KoW Army.
Therefore, there is not much to choose from, but in any case the best miniature I painted this year is Dunwich!

Sunday, 24 December 2023

Infantry Detachment (I)

Last post of painted miniatures of the year and I am bringing 19 bases!

I was only able to accomplish this because I am super hyped with the game, you need to paint infantry before using them and overall it took me only 4 hours!

Painting recipe

I have decided to paint my Legions Imperialis army as Sons of Horus, similar to the one I own for 28mm. I have therefore followed a very similar colour palette, although of course a bit streamlined for the scale. The basic idea here is not to use a single highlight, just to paint base colours and let the scale do the rest, there are so many that nobody will notice and anyway people are looking at the Titans. You can even notice that in one of the Command bases I started to do highlights but then stopped because I decided that it was not worth the effort.

Infantry's recipe is:

  1. base coat black
  2. base coat green
  3. thinned down agrax over the whole miniature
  4. paint black all details (boltgun, shoulders, etc)
  5. metal for some details on weapons
  6. gold for some details on the captains
  7. sepia shade for the gold
  8. red for cloak, crests and other minor details
  9. blue for plasma guns (not pictured in the photo as I forgot it)
The steps for the bases are:
  1. base coat black
  2. "wet" dry brush neutral grey
  3. dry brush wolf grey
  4. dotted random details with parasite brown
  5. black on the rims

Once the recipe was clear, I painted all of the miniatures that can be seen here in about 4 hours. Painted them directly on the sprue and then carefully clip and attach them to the already painted bases. It was a bit tedious but fast.
The set is just 18 bases but with provides a few extras, so I decided to assemble another extra Infantry base by using a plasma gun, to be honest, it is so difficult to notice the difference between plasma and boltgun that nobody will see it. In fact, I had forgotten to paint a blue stripe on top of the plasma guns and just realized that when taking the pictures. I have fixed that now.
Lastly, after painting these I realized that I actually need another box of Infantry in order to file a complete Demi-company, so I bought another one that is now basecoated and ready to be painted, although that will be a job for 2024.

Painted in 2023

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Armies on Parade: Los caballeros de la mesa cuadrada

Above you can see the Bretonnia Army Book released for Warhammer Fantasy 5th edition in 1996. This is the edition that had the core box with Bretonnia and Slann, both new armies at the time! (not really new in terms of lore but in terms of rules and miniatures).

Back in the day (late '90s), I started a small army of Bretonnia that ended up as a Mordheim band because I did not have the money, time and energy to collect and paint complicated banners for my Knights. Since then, I have always wanted to collect them and the small scale was the perfect opportunity.

To keep the same trend as with my undead army I gave them a funny name, "Los caballeros de la mesa cuadrada", which is the name in spanish of the Monty Python's Holy Grail movie. I chose Forest Dragon miniatures because from my point of view, they are the best available in that scale, see my comments about it here.

List building

For list building, there is no direct translation of Bretonnia into Kings of War. There are many different lists that can recreate an Army similar to the classic one, but none that are a 1:1 match, so you will always need to make some adjustments. You could use Basileans, Kingdoms of Men, The Order of the Brothermark or The Order of the Green Lady. After playing a bit with the different options, considering I had a few "must-have" in my list, I chose the Green Lady because they could cover almost all options I wanted, and for the few that I did not like or want, I could get a suitable alternative.

The basic list is shown below (including CoK 23 updates) and I am pretty happy with it, although might tweak it moving forward.


Before painting, I spent quite some time browsing over the old Army Book as well as more recent Bretonnian content to get inspiration. In particular, I spent quite some time going over all the posts from this painter that has managed to capture exactly the feeling I wanted to convey, if you don't follow him already, I encourage you to do so! There are a few rules that one must follow when painting heraldry that I of course did not know about, so I decided to follow exactly the same patterns I liked from some of the books and posts I selected.

After having spent quite some time doing that, I quickly realized that the super quick technique I followed with the undead would not suit this army. Undeads were painted just by applying base colours without much care and then a generous layer of agrax to cover them in grime. As this army must look bright, clean and shiny, I could not really use agrax at all! That meant that I would need to be much more careful and paint a lot of white over black basecoat :D

Lastly, because of the amount of knights in a single base, I also decided to paint them separately and only glue them to the base once they were done. This was also a pain as I needed to carefully add texture in each case making sure the underlying base was not visible. I did not manage to do it properly in all cases, but most of them.

Overall, I am quite satisfied with how the army looks, but I have to admit it took me much much longer than expected! My favourite miniature of the whole Army is of course the Green Knight which is incredibly well rendered in 10mm.

The Army is fully magnetized and fits in a single small metallic box for easy transport and storage.


Back in the day, I painted a full-scale Green Knight, and here is a comparison with the 10mm variant. I have to say that Forest Dragon has done an amazing job at capturing the original.

Don't talk to me or my son ever again

Friday, 8 December 2023

New project: Legions Imperialis

I am super excited to board the hype train of Legions Imperialis!
I have always loved the look of Epic Armies, in particular, the Titans, Super Heavy Tanks and Thunderhawks but I never had the chance to play it. I resisted the urge to buy a couple of Titans when Adeptus Titanicus was released but I could not really resist collecting this one. Of course this has an impact on my year objectives and the overall target of not accumulating miniatures if I have not painted everything, but hey, I will need to deal with it.

I have made a modest investment for now, that you can see in the picture below, but I already committed on buying another box of Infantry, a Warlord, a Reaver and Knights. They really look amazing and I can't wait to paint them.

Of course I will paint them as Sons of Horus and I will do my best to paint them "fast". For now I have only assembled the Rhinos and I must say I am honestly impressed by the quality and the amount of super tiny little pieces that I needed to stick together in order to assemble one.
Overall I am already loving it and can't wait to play my first game!