Last year, I bought a super cheap set of Tyranids at a second-hand shop for 20€. Some of them were in pretty bad shape, but it did not matter too much as I just needed a few to kitbash and the Genestealers for my Genestealer Cult Army.
Later on, I decided to use them for Kill Team so I started to play with them more and enjoyed them quite a bit.
Lately, I have started to play more One Page Rules and I realized that if I would use all the figure I bought back in the day plus a Hive Tyrant I could have easily over 2,000 points so it was settled.
At the same time I needed to paint ultra fast some figures to rest from the effort of painting the ones I have done earlier this year.
As a result, here is the first unit of the army: 10 Hormagaunts. They are basically cannon fodder but if played at the right time they can deliver some damage.
I painted them in about 3 or 4 hours, which is super fast for me. The painting scheme I chose for them is the same I chose for my Genestealer Cult. I used the same necromunda bases.That way, I can mix them easily and have a bigger army by adding a few units of Genestealers or by using some of the Tyranids as allies for my Cult.
Painting schema
For the base I use these colours.
- Paint the whole base Gunmetal.
- Paint some pipes and other details with Tinny Tin.
- Optional add some additional details with other colours like grey or bone.
- Cover everything with Strong Tone Wash.
- Highlight with silver and bronze the different areas adding some texture and scratches.
- Add spots of oxyde with Orange and Turquoise for the bronze areas.
- Optional add some more washes or pigments to make it even more rusty.
- Mix 60/40 of black and magic blue for the body and paint everything including caparace.
- Dry-brush a mix of 50/50 of black and magic blue for caparace.
- Very light dry-brush pure magic blue on caparace, optionally adding some splashes of pure magic blue on the borders.
- Hexed Lichen for the lila parts, which is mostly the "skin".
- Wash the lila parts with dark tone.
- Repaint the lila parts with Hexed leaving darker areas for deep shadows.
- Paint teeth with bone.
- Paint tongue with squid pink and optional add some highlights mixing pink and lila to the skin.
- Paint eyes with orange.
- Paint all claws in black.
- Edge highlight claws with wolf grey.