Monday 29 August 2016

Screaming Bell

With this miniature I just finished my marathon of skaven painting for the summer.

As you may have notice, I am trying really hard to finish the project this year and avoid dragging it for another one. Right now, after the check from the other day, I only have 15 skavens left to paint, and another 20 that I need to buy to fill-up some units. Therefore I am almost done with the project! Actually, even if I do not buy these 20, the project could be considered done, but I'd rather have the complete army.

In order to paint the Screaming Bell, I looked for inspiration in old White Dwarfs as well as in illustrations. In particular I was looking at the cover of the 4th edition Army Book, in which the Bell is shown with a bright bronze colour. I decided I wanted to paint it in bronze as well, with shades of green to show the influence of Warpstone.

Cover of 4th ed. Army Book
I remembered that Nico painted his Bell in bronze, so after checking his post I decided to use a very similar scheme.
In the end the war machine is painted in brown, green, bronze and boltgun metal. Very limited palette, but I believe the result is interesting, with stark contrasts.
I painted the Grey Seer robes in white and light grey, with some runes, similar to the one on the cover, the staff is painted using the same techniques as in the Bell, as if it was some kind of relic.

After painting this miniature, I have added the incredible amount of 327 points for the Grey Seer for 3rd edition, although the Screaming Bell did not exist back then, or 340 points for the Grey Seer plus 200 for the Screaming Bell for 4th edition!!

Painted in 2016

Gnawdoom approves!
Here I am showing the Screaming Bell powered by the horde. All of my clanrats are pushing it towards the enemy!

I have decided not to glue the figures and the bell to the base, in order to transport it better. Additionally the Grey Seer can be used without the Bell, as I prepared a normal base for him. I did the same for the slave, although I doubt I will use him, although it could make a nice Plague Monk.

Monday 22 August 2016

La montaña de plomo

Ahora que hemos pasado el ecuador del año he decidido echar la mirada atrás y comprobar lo que escribí como propósitos del año y comprobar qué tengo en la montaña de plomo.

Este año tenía cuatro propósitos:
  • Continuar la colección de personajes Horus Heresy
  • Terminar el ejército oldhammer Skaven
  • Nuevo proyecto: Hijos de Horus
  • Jugar a 30K

Aunque parecen sencillos de realizar, por ahora, debido a múltiples distracciones, sólo voy al 50%.

No he comprado aun ningún personaje de Horus Heresy porque siempre intento mantener la lista de miniaturas a pintar en una cantidad razonable y hasta que no rebaje el número de marines sin pintar, no voy a añadir ningún otro.
Respecto a terminar el proyecto Skaven, me queda muy poco.
El nuevo proyecto de Hijos de Horus va viento en popa.
Y el objetivo que parece mas fácil, jugar al menos una partida a 30K, por ahora está parado. Parecía que íbamos a jugar una campaña, pero finalmente por diversos motivos, se ha cancelado. Intentaré darle otro empuje al inicio del curso escolar en Septiembre.

La montaña de plomo

Ahora tocar comprobar el estado de la montaña de plomo.
Intento siempre tener miniaturas de diferentes gamas en la cola de pintado, para poder variar y no acumular cansancio entre proyectos. De todas formas no me gusta acumular muchas porque entonces me agobio y no disfruto pintando, ya que intento pintarlas con prisas. La última vez que acumulé muchos proyectos sin pintar estuve 5 años sin comprar prácticamente nada para poder reducir la montaña de plomo.

Aun asi, como suele pasar, este año se han colado tres o cuatro proyectos con los que no contaba, a saber: el Imperial Knight, los Early Imperial Roman de DBA y el Panteón del Caos.

Estos son los proyectos abiertos y la cantidad de miniaturas que me quedan por pintar de toda mi colección:

Hijos de Horus
- 34 marines
- 10 exterminadores
- Imperial Knight (en realidad podría considerarse un proyecto nuevo)

- 15 skavens
- aunque para terminar el ejército me falta comprar (y pintar) otros 20

Colección Héroes y Villanos de Warhammer:
- Tyrion
- Morglum Quiebracuellos

Space Hulk
- 12 exterminadores
- 23 genestealers
- mobiliario

Ejército Eldar
- Eldrad Ulthran
- Avatar

Equipo del Caos de Blood Bowl
- 3 hombres bestia

- Goku
- Eddie de Diego Serrate

A continuación, los proyectos nuevos que han aparecido a lo largo de este año:

Panteón del Caos
aunque aun no tengo las miniaturas, al ser un kickstarter
- 2 monstruos
- 15 guerreros del Caos

Early Imperial Roman
- 15 bases
- campamento

Y por último, tengo un proyecto en mente, que es restaurar mi equipo humano de Blood Bowl, ya que se encuentra en muy mal estado. Pero como el equipo está pintado, por ahora no lo considero muy prioritario.

Monday 15 August 2016

Poison Wind Globadiers

This is one of my favourite units in the game, the infamous Poison Wind Globadiers!
I like them so much that I am using a Gnawdoom as their team champion. I could not miss the chance to paint him again.

I have used a slightly different colour approach for these skavens. I mixed green to paint all of the furs and skins, it is very difficult to see in these pictures, but when you put them next to others in the army, you can notice.
As for the poison globes, they were painted in a much darker tone compared to the other ones carried by regular troops, like the one carried by the other Gnawdoom. Several layers of glossy varnish were added to accomplish the effect.

You may have notice that all Warpfire Throwers, Jezzails and Gobladiers are painted in the same colours. I decided that all rats from Clan Skryre will wear yellow rags with black flames. I saw this colour scheme on Nico's army and I decided to copy it as I think it looks great.

Unfortunately the unit has only five members, but I am looking to add a new one, as I want to have a total of six to be able to field two units of three.

These guys add 125 points for 3rd ed. and 100 for 4th ed.

Painted in 2016

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Something big is coming!

Desde que salió el Imperial Knight he estado tentado a comprarlo y añadirlo a la colección, pero siempre lo postponía... este verano por fin me decidí aprovechando las buenas ofertas que hay por el juego Renegade.

Finalmente ha caído y en cuanto termine con los Skaven voy a ponerme a añadir un refuerzo de altura a mi ejército de los Hijos de Horus.

Monday 8 August 2016

Warpfire Thrower Teams (II)

This is my third warpfire thrower team. You can find the first two painted here.
To be honest, I do not think I will use three teams, but since I got it as part of a set, I was not going to leave it unpainted.
Instead of having a metallic pipe like in the other models I have created one out of greenstuff, to simulate something similar to a hose.

This adds a total of 81 points for 3rd ed. and 70 for 4th.

Painted in 2016.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Warplock Jezzails (II)

I already shared here the first two jezzails I painted for the army, since I wanted to have a total of four, here are the other two.

As you can see, I managed to get hold of the famous engineer with Warplock Jezzail, which is difficult to find.
I have seen that many people just put him alone in a base, but since every Jezzail team is composed of two members, I decided to put a slave next to him in charge of the stick that holds the rifle.

In this case I wanted to try something new, so I got a gnobblar from my bitz box and modelled a chain over the neck, similar to the one that the slaves carry.
In the end I am happy with the result, as it is much smaller than the skavens and I think it fits the idea. Perhaps I will try more of those, although instead of using gnobblars, I will use some of the goblins from Kev Adams.
These two units add a total of 78 points for 3rd edition and 60 for 4th edition.

Painted in 2016.