Monday 8 July 2024


After having painted the Infantry and Contemptors I needed to paint the tanks to provide some much needed support.

First of all, a box of Rhinos to provide some mobility. I typically field two Demi-Companies. One on foot and one fully mechanized. And for the one with vehicles, I usually have at least 6-8 Rhinos.

Unfortunately, as you probably will see in the pictures, there is a huge coarse grain mixed with dust overall and even tiny filaments... That is the varnish coat that managed to completely botch the paint job... not only for these Rhinos but in fact for all the miniatures that I had painted and was varnishing in batch, that I will be showing in the upcoming weeks. After banishing that varnish spray to the Eye of Terror I went back to the hobby desk to redo most of the colours...

The way I painted these was super fast:

  1. base coat black with spray
  2. green with airbrush
  3. black again on the black or metal parts
  4. boltgun metal on the metal parts
  5. wash green with dark wash enamel for green vehicles
  6. wash metal with strong tone (kind of agrash)
  7. apply decals
  8. varnish
All in all I think it took about 2 hours in total.

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