Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Proyectos para 2018

Hoy toca seguir con el tradicional post de Diciembre y la recapitulación anual.

El año pasado conseguí terminar tres de cinco objetivos.

Este año 2017 mis objetivos eran:
  1. Pintar todas las miniaturas que tengo por ahora de Hijos de Horus 
  2. Pintar dos héroes para la Colección Héroes y Villanos de Warhammer:
    1. Tyrion
    2. Morglum Quiebracuellos
  3. Pintar los hombres bestia que me faltan del equipo de Blood Bowl
  4. Comenzar a pintar el Kickstarter del Panteón del Caos
  5. ¡Jugar! Seguir con 30K y probar un juego de temática fantástica, o bien con Skaven o bien con Caos.
De los cuales no he conseguido ninguno completamente... este año es un sonoro fracaso.

En realidad he conseguido varios parcialmente, pero no totalmente.
Del primer objetivo está casi todo completo, ya que me falta sólo un tanque y unas 20 miniaturas.
Del segundo tengo ya pintado a Morglum, pendiente de hacerle fotos decentes, pero Tyrion ni está montado.
Tanto el tercero como el cuarto no están ni empezados.
Del quinto me falla el haber jugado a algún juego de fantasía con los skaven o caos.
Por supuesto no hablamos de los stretch goals que tenía, que era pintar algún Primarca mas, ni siquiera he comprado alguno.

Pese a todo, el total de miniaturas pintadas este año asciende a:

  • 1 Knight
  • 1 Dreadnought
  • 72 infantería
  • 3 tanques

Llevaba bastantes años cumpliendo casi todos los objetivos que me marcaba, pero este año he fracasado, pese a que los objetivos eran bastante realistas. El motivo es que he estado mas o menos tres meses alejado de los pinceles ocupado en temas familiares, y mi tiempo se ha reducido significativamente.
Asi que no queda mas remedio que asumir que el tiempo friki por ahora está limitado e intentar plantear retos mas asequibles.

Objetivos 2018

Para 2018 los objetivos serán un calco del 2017 pero con menos miniaturas ya que la mayoría están pintadas, por lo que deberían ser mas fáciles de conseguir:

  1. Terminar los Hijos de Horus 
  2. Pintar Tyrion
  3. Completar equipos de Blood Bowl:
    1. Hombres Bestia del Caos
    2. Apisonadora Enana
  4. Comenzar a pintar el Kickstarter del Panteón del Caos
Sigo dejando fuera de los objetivos, incluso de los stretch goals el Space Hulk, el HeroQuest y las miniaturas extras que tengo sueltas.

Montaña de Plomo

Este es un pequeño checklist ampliando el que hice en Agosto de 2016.
El total de miniaturas actual es 139.

Hijos de Horus
  • Land Raider Spartan
  • 15 Reavers with Jump packs
  • 3 Sergeants
  • Davinite Lodge Priest
  • Praetor in Cataphractii Armour
  • Praetor
  • Master of Signal
  • Praetor
Colección Héroes y Villanos de Warhammer:
  • Tyrion
  • Shaggoth
Equipo del Caos de Blood Bowl
  • 3 hombres bestia
Equipo Enano de Blood Bowl
  • Apisonadora
Panteón del Caos
  • 2 Monstruos
  • 15 Guerreros del Caos

Los siguientes están fuera de los objetivos de 2018...

Colección Héroes y Villanos Señor de los Anillos
  • Balrog
  • Nazgul en bestia alada
  • 35 Miniaturas
  • Mobiliario
Early Imperial Roman
  • 15 bases
  • campamento
Space Hulk
  • 12 exterminadores
  • 23 genestealers
  • mobiliario
Colección Héroes y Villanos de 40K
  • Eldrad Ulthran
  • Avatar
Miniaturas Sueltas
  • Goku
  • Eddie de Diego Serrate
  • Sumothay

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (II)

These are the eight veterans that were missing from my first post.

Two of them have magnetized arms so I can use different weapon combinations: boltgun, melta gun or plasma gun.

At the same time I painted them I also fixed the error in the veteran symbol of the rest of the squad, as just after posting them I noticed I had drawn the wrong symbol.

These guys add 128 points to the Army.
Painted in 2017

Friday, 24 November 2017

Nazgûl a caballo

Después de un pequeño parón, hoy vuelvo con una miniatura diferente. Un Nazgûl a caballo.
La verdad es que me encantan las miniaturas del Señor de los Anillos de GW y desde que salieron he querido ir haciéndome una pequeña colección.

Hasta ahora sólo tenía a Sauron ya que la Compañía del Anillo es de mi hermano.

En cualquier caso, aquí está el primer Nazgûl que pinto. En la montaña de plomo tengo uno montado en Bestia Alada y quiero hacerme con uno a pie.

La verdad que la miniatura es muy agradecida de pintar y el modelado es impecable. Son de una escala menor a la que estoy acostumbrado por lo que requieren mas atención, pero la verdad que se dejan pintar bien.

El problema que he tenido es al hacer la foto ya que al ser una miniatura que es prácticamente negra, he tenido que poner mucha luz para que se vea y eso ha provocado que salgan unos reflejos muy feos que impiden ver el degradado de la capa... el tema fotografía es un tema pendiente.

Pintada en 2017.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


From the moment I saw the Burning of Prospero box I wanted to paint Ahriman. It is a superb model, probably one of the best that Games Workshop has produced lately. And it is not a huge model as opposed to the most popular ones that have been recently made.

When I saw the Ahriman painted by KeyanSark I knew I wanted to use a similar technique, as I really like the effect he achieved with the gold basecoat for the armour. I did something similar, the basecoat was black but then I painted a couple of thin layers of gold on the armour areas. The overall effect is ok, although probably less shiny.

I am quite happy of something I have been doing for the past few years, which is keep trying new techniques and slowly improving my skills. I have been toying around with NMM for a while, never mastering it, but knowing the basics to get an ok-ish result, I think, and lately I am trying wet blending. I decided to use both of these extensively in this model, and see what was I capable of.

I still think that KeyanSark's model is better, but I have tried my best. Models like this forces you to push a bit harder and learn a bit more.

Here you can see the model with the base colours applied. Contrary to what I am used to, I only applied inks and washes to the grey areas, to bring up the shadows.

For the gold NMM I used these colours.

This figure has been painted as a present for my brother, as Ahriman is one of his favourite characters from 40K, which he painted some years ago.
I hope this is the beginning of his new 30K Thousand Sons Army!

For the pictures I have tried with different sources of light, as I was not really able to capture the colours.

Painted in 2017

I am getting slowly better at wet blending, which I applied here to the blade.

For some reason, in this picture the grey areas seem to have very deep shadows, but it is something wrong with the photo, in fact it is properly blended.

Monday, 21 August 2017

Legion Sicaran

Just after I took the photos of the last post, and before starting the holidays, I managed to get a few hours free, so I thought that I could start the Sicaran... to my surprise I managed to finish it, as even though it is quite massive, I used the same technique as with the Rhinos, so it was quite fast.
The technique is just: apply plain colours, a bit of highlight on the borders and lots of weathering. In fact with this technique the tanks and Walkers are finished quite fast and with an acceptable result.

The sponsors are magnetized, so I can choose from either the Lascannons or the Heavy Bolters. Both are shown in the pictures.

When I was almost done I had a small disaster, as I spilled a whole bottle of white spirit that I use to dissolve the pigments and to apply weathering... after some swearing and lots of paper towels, I contained the problem, but some parts of the tank were affected. I repainted them, but I think I can still see the effects, in any case, I will leave it like this for now, perhaps in the future I can repaint it a bit more.
Only one tank left in the Army, the Spartan!

This tank adds 135 points.

Painted in 2017

Monday, 14 August 2017

Sons of Horus Checkpoint (II)

It has been a little over 7 months since I last did a checkpoint on the Sons of Horus.

At that moment, the amount of miniatures left to paint was quite impressive. I am happy to say that right now I have completed more than 70% of the Army and no basic marine remains to be painted, as they are the most boring ones!

In the first picture you can see everything that it is painted so far, from left to right, top to bottom:
  • Imperial Knight
  • 3 Dreads
  • 2 Rhinos
  • 5 Heavy support squad with Heavy Bolters
  • 1 Sergeant with Combi Bolter
  • Legion Standard Bearer
  • 2 Apothecary
  • 6 Tactical Squad with Plasmaguns
  • 1 Sergeant with Combi Bolter
  • 6 Tactical Squad with Plasmaguns (including one Sergeant)
  • 38 marines with Boltgun
  • 5 Tartaros Terminators
  • 10 Cataphractii Terminators
  • 12 Veterans including two Sergeants
  • Librarian in Cataphract Armour
  • Abaddon
  • Loken
  • Horus
For a grand total of 2 Tanks, 3 Walkers, 1 Knight and 81 on foot.

In the second picture what is left to be painted:

  • 15 Reavers with Jump packs
  • 8 Veterans
  • Sicaran Battle Tank
  • 3 Objective Tokens
  • 3 Sergeants
  • 6 Heavy support squad with Missile Launchers
  • Davinite Lodge Priest
  • 2 Heavy support with Lascannon
  • Praetor in Cataphractii Armour
  • Praetor
  • Master of Signal
  • Praetor
And not in this picture because I have not bough it yet, will be the last miniature I need to buy for the Army, the Legion Spartan Assault Tank.

So, in total, 40 on foot and two tanks.
It does not seem like a lot. Let's see if I can make it before the end of the year

Monday, 7 August 2017

Traitor Librarian

For today and for a change, I bring something a bit special.

It is the Limited Edition Forge World model from the Open Day 2016, a Space Marine Traitor Librarian with Cataphractii Terminator Armour.

I really like this model since I saw it, so I decided to grab one as soon as I could, and paint it in the livery of the Sons of Horus. I have to mention though that it is a clone, as I could not find an original one that did not go for stupid money.

I know that painting him as a Sons of Horus is a bit controversial, because, according to the Council of Nikaea, no Librarians would be allowed within the Legion. It is very unlikely that I will ever field him in battle as a Librarian. I might use him as a cool looking Praetor, though.
Or whenever I decide to play a full-traitor list embracing Chaos, then perhaps we get some nice rules for raising Daemons.

In any case, I painted him using the usual techniques, the only thing I changed a bit was the Daemon. I did not want to paint him using regular reds and oranges for the fire, but rather make it a bit more esoteric and use a mixture of blues, greens and yellows. I did not quite manage to get the effect I was looking for, but it ended up being close enough, so I am satisfied with it.

I am not sure how many points would a Librarian cost, but a Praetor in Cataphractii Armour is 177.

Painted in 2017.

Close up of the Daemon as in the other pics it is quite blurry

Monday, 31 July 2017

Legion Veteran Sergeant

This miniature comes with the Standard Bearer as part of the Legion Command kit, but, as I already have many different Praetors and Consuls, I have decided to paint him as a Veteran Sergeant.
I might still use him as a Commander in some games, but in any case he fits nicely as Sergeant of one of my Veteran Units.

Painted in 2017.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (I)

This is the first of the two units of Veterans I have for the Army.

I have decided to try and differentiate them from the rest of their colleagues. I have added a Chainsword and Bolt Pistol to each one, and I have tried to mix different kind of armours and weapon styles to give them a bit of an eclectic style.

Regarding the paint job, I have followed the standard green, but I have painted one shoulder pad red with the custom veteran symbol.
I think these guys, aside from having good rules, look quite cool on the table, I am quite happy as to how they have turned out.

They add a total of 160 points to the Army.

Painted in 2017.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Legion Tactical Support Squad (IV)

I was not planning on having another Tactical Support Squad, as I already have three, with different weapon combinations, but these six marines came with a pack I bought, so even though I don't need them, I was not going to throw them away!
Therefore, I just gave them a quick paint job, you just never know when you are going to need more plasma!

This adds a total of 190 points to the Army.

Painted in 2017.

Monday, 10 July 2017

Justaerin Terminator Squad (II)

Here is the second Justaerin Squad.
I have followed the same technique as before, quick paint job designed to bring the figures fast to the battle.
I am showing here several combinations of arms and weapons. I have enough lightning claws for four terminators, as shown in the last picture. I doubt that I will be able to field them together, but you never know.
With this post, all the terminators are painted save for the Captain.

These five add a total of 225 points to the Army.
Painted in 2017

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Sons of Horus vs World Eaters

It has been a long time since I posted a battle report on the blog, so this next report was long due!

As I did not have much time to play, we agreed on playing just 1,500 points.

Sons of Horus

To select the Army List there were two restrictions:
  • Try some new unit. I have not used the Terminators in battle, but 1,500 points are not enough for them, so I decided to try the Reavers instead.
  • The whole Army needed to fit into a single maxi Feldherr bag, as I could only carry one with me, this means using less miniatures than what I am used to.
The list looked like this.
  • Consul Delegatus with Jump Pack, Master Crafted Lightning Claw, Bolt Pistol, Artificer Armour
  • Dreadnought Talon
    • Cortus with Kheres Assault Cannon and Close Combat Weapon
    • Cortus with Kheres Assault Cannon and Close Combat Weapon
    • Cortus with Multi-melta, Chainfist and Extra Armour
  • 10 Veterans
    • Rhino with Extra Armour
    • Sergeant with Power Fist and Artificer Armour
    • Plasma gun
  • 10 Veterans
    • Rhino with Extra Armour
    • Sergeant with Artificer Armour
    • Plasma gun
  • 9 Reavers
    • Sergeant with Melta Bombs and Artificer Armour
    • Jump Packs
  • Legion Sicaran with Heavy Bolter Pintle-Mounted and Heavy Bolter sponsors
Rite of War: Chosen Duty

Thanks to the Rite of War of the Delegatus, both Veteran units count as Troops.
The List is built around the idea of having few miniatures and testing the Reavers, so it does not have a very clever master plan behind. The basic strategy would be to hold on Reserve both Veterans and Reavers and hopefully outflank on the second turn taking advantage of The Edge of the Spear rule. The three Dreads and the Sicaran meanwhile try to deal some damage to the main force of the Enemy while the Dread with Chainfist tries to get as close as possible to the biggest damage dealer of the Army, which is most likely a Predator or a Deredeo, based on previous battles.

World Eaters

The list is as as follows:
  • Praetor with Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Melta Bombs, Paragon Blade, Power Fist
  • Contemptor Dreadnought with Kheres Assault Cannon and Close Combat Weapon
  • 1 Tactical Squad
    • Apothecary
    • Legion Vexilla
    • Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Melta Bombs
  • 12 Tactical Squad
    • Legion Vexilla
    • Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Melta Bombs
  • 12 Tactical Squad
    • Legion Vexilla,
    • Sergeant with Artificer Armour and Melta Bombs
  • 5 The Red Butchers
    • 4 Second Power Axe
    • Sergeant with two Chainfists
  • Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought with Aiolos Missile Launcher, Twin-linked Anvilius Pattern Autocannon Battery, Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
Rite of War: Beserker Assault



We both rolled for our Warlord Traits and I got Bloody Handed (causes fear) and he got Paladin of Glory, (fearless), which somehow invalidated each other.
We then rolled for mission and we got War of Lies and Ambush, in which one Army ambush the other, having the Defender deploy in the middle of the battlefield and the attacker entering the field for any of the opposing sides of it, and for the mission points we got five objective markers that we needed to capture in a fixed-size six turn battle.


I won the roll for the deployment so I chose to be attacker as I felt that one of the best things of my Army was the ability to Outflank which three units and hopefully surprise the enemy. 

Therefore, the World Eaters proceed to deploy in the center, more or less covering every possible side.

While I deployed my three Dreads and the Sicaran on the right, denying completely the left flank, with the idea of Outflanking on turn two onto one of the sides, and pushing through one of the units with two of mine. Since I would oppose two Dreads and a Sicaran vs the Deredeo and Dread, I thought I had good chances of doing something nasty.

Turn #1

The World Eaters start the Battle by just moving slightly to the side of the building, to get some cover against the fire that will come from the Sicaran and Dreads. There was no shooting or assault on this first turn.

The Sons of Horus start by moving the three Dreads and the Sicaran towards the enemy. The Dread with Multi-melta misses the shot against the Deredeo, and all the shots from the Sicaran against the Deredeo also have no impact. Then the Red Butchers get a shower of fire from a Dread with an Assault Cannon but they manage to save all armour rolls. So basically no effect on the first round of shooting!
On the assault phase the Dread manages to assault a tactical unit and kills two marines, the sergeant has melta-bombs but he does not manage to kill the Dread. The unit passes the Morale test so we continue for another round.

Turn #2

On the second round things start to get nasty for the Sons of Horus.
The Deredeo shoots the Sicaran and manages to immobilize it. The Contemptor shoots the Cortus and it takes one hull damage point.
In the assault phase, the Contemptor does not manage to reach the Cortus, but the Red Butchers assault the Cortus that has the Multi-melta and manage to kill it with ease, with the Cortus managing to kill one Butcher before dying.
The combat between the unit and the Cortus at the bottom of the battlefield continues with another casualty for the World Eaters, which does not force them to run.

This was the turn I expected some of my reserves to arrive with Outflank and to make a difference on one side of the table. I managed to get both Veteran units on the table, on the same side, so I decided to roll in with the Rhinos and shoot both Plasma guns to the rear of the Deredeo, thinking that I might destroy it, and then I would be free to deal with the unit of the Praetor in the next turn.
During my shooting phase the Sicaran managed to kill one Red Butcher after shooting all possible weapons at them and the Vets managed to just destroy one weapon of the Deredeo, after four shots with rapid fire. Not what I was expecting!
On the Assault phase, my Cortus that was overcharged with +1 I managed to kill the opposing Contemptor and started to advance towards the injured Deredeo.
At the bottom of the field, the Cortus still does not manage to kill any marine, so the combat continues.

Turn #3

The World Eaters managed to destroy the Sicaran in the assault phase with the Red Butchers and injured my Cortus causing another hull point to be lost.
The combat at the bottom of the battlefield continues and now there are only six marines against the Dread.
(sorry I forgot to take a picture after the World Eaters turn #3)

During my turn the Reavers appeared, again, from the same side of the table as the veterans.
Having lost the Sicaran I focused on the left side of the table. One of the Veteran units disembarked and started to advance towards the World Eaters, while the other shot the Deredeo from the top of the hatch. The Reavers with my Consul advanced towards the World Eaters.
On the shooting phase I failed my shots against the Deredeo and I realized I should have probably disembarked and shoot the World Eaters so that I could assault them. That was probably a big mistake.
After a very unsuccessful shooting phase, I assaulted with the Reavers and with the Veterans, but the Veterans failed the assault as they needed a 5 and rolled a 4. Big disaster as I was counting on having the bigger number in order to get extra attacks thanks to Merciless Fighters.
The result of that combat was a disaster, my Consul managed to kill a single marine, and after receiving three casualties against, and needed to pass a Morale test against L8, I rolled a 9 and run away...
To continue on the same trend, the Cortus, overcharged, tried to assault the Deredeo and it was killed before it had a chance to reach the assault.

 Turn #4

The battle was already going downhill for the Sons of Horus at this stage, so the World Eaters just needed to let it flow to win.
The Deredeo continued to walk backwards getting a bit further away from my Cortus while at the same time shooting at it, without destroying it, yet.
On the Assault phase, the World Eaters charged against the remaining Reavers and destroyed them. Then consolidated waiting for my assault with the Veterans.
To make things worse, at the bottom of the battlefield, the combat between the Dread and the marines that was lasting since the first turn ended when they managed to kill the Dread.

On my turn, I disembarked the Veterans and shot with both units against the unit with the Praetor, dealing little damage. Then, on the assault phase, after a total of 54 attacks, 14 injuries were dealt and only 4 World Eaters died. Then the World Eaters attacked and killed 8 veterans, causing a major panic on both units that caused them to run away and be wiped out.

Even though the battle was for six turns, there was no need to continue it, after this turn only one Rhino was left. At the end, even though the Praetor was the only miniature left of the unit, and with two injuries, he had managed to wipe out three entire units.


I think I made a big mistake on turn #3 when I should have disembarked both units and attacked the unit with the Praetor, but I think I got too much punishment for it. Almost anything that could have gone wrong, went wrong! I managed to fail the assault of the vets when they only needed a five, I did not manage to get a single hit on the Deredeo on the first turn, and the Red Butchers shrugged off any shot I made at them...
In any case, I think the list could work well with some adjustments, probably I need to change the equipment of the Consul, as it was pretty much useless against more powerful opponents.
On short, I need to play more to keep on learning from these mistakes.

The final count of points was 17 for the World Eaters vs 3 for the Sons of Horus

Monday, 3 July 2017

Justaerin Terminator Squad (I)

For today I have the second Terminator Squad of the Army, and the first Cataphractii.
I have a total of 10 terminators divided into two Justaerin squads that can go to battle with Abaddon.
As I already showed before, the figures are magnetised so I can exchange different arms and I don't need to paint too many figures, just lots of arms and weapons.

It is a quick paint job, just to make them ready to use. The black of the armour is quite flat, but if I have time, I can always come back and apply some highlights to it.

These five add 225 points to the Army.

Painted in 2017.