The other day I decided to take a look at the skavens I still have left and see what is missing and what needed to be repaired. As I have been purchasing rats for a while I had a lot of stuff to clean-up and greenstuff as some of them have been damaged with the years.
I also took the chance to make a full list of all the miniatures I have now and the missing ones to have the army that I have as a goal. Therefore, I will be able to focus only on the missing miniatures of my list in order to purchase them.
I would also like to paint them in the upcoming months so I can focus on the Sons of Horus, but I am not sure about that as new projects keep popping in my head!
In these two pics you can see the last miniatures I have prepared, at the beginning it was just a pile of tin, cork and plastic but at the end we have chaotic vermin ready to be primed and painted.
This is to show an example of the amount of work it takes to prepare some of these figures, as they require extensive greenstuff repairs, cork and basing preparation.
Here we can see from top left to bottom right, chieftains, clan rats, jezzail, plague monk standard bearer, plague wind gobladiers, slave, gutter runner, stormvermin |
The full list of miniatures I have is as follows:
- 4 jezzails (2 painted)
- 3 warpfire throwers (2 painted)
- 1 doomwheel (painted)
- 1 screaming bell
- 36 giant rats (painted)
- 3 master packs (painted)
- 4 rat ogres (painted)
- 7 gutter runners (6 painted)
- 1 assasin (painted)
- 6 plague censer bearers (painted)
- 15 plague monks (painted)
- 2 plague monk standard bearer (1 painted)
- 5 poison wind gobladiers
- 1 Lord Skrolk (painted)
- 18 slaves
- 23 tin clanrats (10 painted)
- 22 plastic clanrats (12 painted)
- 2 clanrat standard bearers (1 painted)
- 1 clanrat battle standard bearer
- 2 Grey Seers
- 8 stormvermin
- 1 Lord StormVermin
- 10 Clanrat Chieftains (4 painted)
- 1 Engineer (painted)
So far I have the feeling I am halfway through it and getting closer to finish the project.
I have compared this list to the
original one posted in 2015 and I have everything on that list already!
I just need to complete some units and of course paint them.
So the list of miniatures I still plan to get is:
- 2 plague monks (to make up a unit of 20)
- 12 stormvermin (to make up a unit of 20)
- 1 poison wind gobladier (to make up a unit of 6)
- 12 slaves (to make up a unit of 30, I also decided I will mix up some other races, to begin with, I will put some 9 gnobblars I found in my bits box)
- 1 slave standard bearer (perhaps a conversion)
- 1 Vermin Lord
- 1 Warlord Queek
- 1 Ikit Claw