Wednesday 16 October 2024

Questoris Knights

Honestly, after having tried Knights and Titans in Legions Imperialis I am not sure that they are worth their points, but I still like to have them as part of the Army. They have a tendency to die very fast without killing enough enemy points but I just love them.

They belong to the Ærthegn House, same as the Knight I painted for 28mm scale for my Sons of Horus Army (see here and here).
They were painted quite fast following this recipe:
  1. Paint all metal areas with Boltgun metal
  2. Nuln oil wash
  3. Dark brown wash on some areas
  4. Paint black all armour panels
  5. Paint base following the same recipe as the rest of the Army
  6. Add red stripes and details to armour
  7. Paint details (some gold, blue for windows, etc)
  8. Add light weathering to weapons and exhausts
  9. Add decals
  10. Varnish
This is also the first time that I have used Microsol for decals to make sure they adapt to non-flat surfaces like the pauldrons and other areas of the miniature, after having read about it for years and being skeptical I must say I am deeply impressed by the results. After applying a couple of thin layers the decal pretty much dissolves and blends into the colours that you have painted so it looks like a freehand. The only thing that pops out is the white, which I tuned down with a very thin layer of watered black. After that, they were ready for battle!

One thing to mention is that I did not have proper decals for the house symbol so it is the only thing that is freehand from the miniature, aside from the red/black/yellow stripes of course.

Monday 14 October 2024


After so many years in the hobby I can finally say that I am a proud owner of a Thunderhawk! Well, it is not the classic 1997 metal one but the new amazing plastic kit for Legions Imperialis which is fairly similar to the original one.
I have painted it in the same style as the rest of the Army, and thanks to the green done with airbrush it took roughly 2 hours to paint. Following the same style as the rest of the Army, it is just tabletop and ready to be played!

Saturday 20 July 2024

Legions Imperialis Civitas Imperialis Administratum Sector

After having painted all the infantry and tanks of the Army I thought it was the right time to take a group picture to see what's left. Basically, I have 10 "miniatures" pending: 5 Knights, 4 Titans and 1 Thunderhawk. I hope to paint at least a couple of those before the end of the year, as stretch goals.

Now that I have an Army that is big enough to play up to 2k games, I decide to buy some scenery so that I could host games at home. I bought one Administratum Sector and one set of Ruins and after removing all of them from the sprues I was a little bit overwhelmed... you can see in the picture below the insane amount of pieces I had. I think I spent around 5 or 6 hours just removing them from the sprue and cleaning mold lines, and a couple more assembling them. After building several of the "standard" ones, I decided to build a super big one, enough to hide a Titan (Reaver though) behind it!

Once I deploy all the scenery is more than enough to cover 5'x4' which is the standard Legions table size. I hope to paint them using airbrush experiment a little bit with different shades and weathering techniques.

Friday 19 July 2024

Legiones Astartes Support

And this marks the last post with all the miniatures of the Support Box and therefore all Infantry and Dreadnoughts of the Army! I have completed the stretch of the original goal!

Here you can see two Rapiers and four Tarantulas. Honestly, I don't like them too much. I only field them if I need to add some units for the points, but usually I'd rather not field them. You will also notice that two Rapiers are missing as I gave those away to a friend that will put them to much better use since he plays Iron Warriors.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Dreadnought Talon (III)

Today I am showing the Leviathans that came with the Support Box.

Painted like the Deredeos, these guys provide some brutal support for close combat. So far they have not been very effective in battle, but I just like them so much that I always include them.

Monday 15 July 2024

Dreadnought Talon (II)

The support box comes fully loaded with 8 new Dreadnoughts, 4 Deredeos and 4 Leviathans. Today I am showing the Deredeos!
These Dreads provide invaluable support against flying targets so they are a must in every battle.
I was not too happy with how the Contemptors looked like as I painted them using the Infantry Techniques so I decided to paint them as if they were tanks, exactly as explained in the post about Rhinos. I am much more pleased with how they have turned out, in particular, with the enamel green wash. I think it really fits them better.

Friday 12 July 2024


The last batch of tanks from the Starter box, painted at the same time as the Predators and with the same techniques. Not much to say about them save for the fact that they so far have been useless on the field getting killed on turn 1 or 2 without causing any damage haha

With this post I have managed to fulfill all the objectives I set at the end of last year and I am super happy because of that. But since I recently bought a Support Box that has more Dreadnoughts and some support weapons, I decided to include these as a stretch goal to the original goals so I am going to post them next!